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The Ocean Trench is a high-level dungeon with an underwater theme. The dungeon is a source of Potions of Mana, and is the main source of the untiered Coral Huntress UT Set and two pieces of the Slurp Scion Wizard ST Set.

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  • Max DMG absorbed scales off Beidou's Max HP. Attacks using the energy stored within the greatsword upon release or once this ability's duration expires, dealing Electro DMG. DMG dealt scales with the number of times Beidou is attacked in the skill's duration. The greatest DMG Bonus will be attained once this effect is triggered twice.
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The most important difficulty factor is that players need oxygen. An oxygen counter gradually goes down until the screen flashes red, which is when players start losing health very quickly (faster than when you stand in magma or lava, almost -100 hp/sec). To refill oxygen, players must stand on top of bubble vents that refill the oxygen counter. If an oxygen source is not found and your hp reaches 0, you die from “Damage Suffocation”.

The entrance to the Ocean Trench is dropped from the Hermit God at a guaranteed rate.

Typing master download full version crack torrent. This dungeon must be completed to earn the ‘Tunnel Rat’ fame bonus.

The Realm Eye says:
Mermaids were long thought to be an extinct race, but they still exist in small numbers at the farthest depths of the ocean.
The extreme water pressure in the Ocean Trench kills most wildlife, but mermaids harness it to control the waves above.
When the mermaid population was higher, the Ocean Trench was the grave of many sailors lured to their demise by the singing sirens.


The Ocean Trench Key is available in the Nexus for 150 .


See the Ocean Trench Guide for a complete walk-through on the dungeon and all its enemies.



The dungeon primarily consists of medium to large circular rooms linked by narrow hallways. Air vents will be scattered in each room and will allow players to refill their oxygen. Each room has purple floor tiles and dark purple walls. Decorative coral and seaweed can also be found, although larger, destructible coral obstacles will be located in the hallways.

Example Layout



Big Corals

Throughout the dungeon, corals will appear in rooms, usually blocking your path. They can easily be destroyed within a couple of hits.

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Thessal is the final boss in the Ocean Trench. She has powerful coral bombs that explode and split into multiple bombs to inflict more damage, which are nearly impossible to survive without maxed defense. These, combined with her armor breaking attacks can send brave warriors to their graves under the sea.

Dying Thessal

Thessal is currently the only boss to have a possible chance for extra loot after defeating her. Randomly, Thessal will crumple over the loot bag and ask the adventurers, “Is King Alexander alive?”. If you respond correctly with ”He lives and reigns and conquers the world,” she will thank you and spawn 3 Coral Gifts. If enough time has passed without saying the correct phrase, she will shout “You speak LIES!” and unleash a storm of projectiles before dying and dropping no loot. If you are standing on her when the phrase is not said within a few seconds, you will die.


Drops of Interest

Drops From
Thessal the Mermaid Godess, Coral Gift
Thessal the Mermaid Godess, Coral Gift
Thessal the Mermaid Godess, Coral Gift
Thessal the Mermaid Godess, Coral Gift
Thessal the Mermaid Godess, Coral Gift
Thessal the Mermaid Godess, Coral Gift

Daily Quests

The Ocean Trench is part of the Mighty Quest pool from the Tinkerer and has two associated quests.

NameDescriptionItems NeededReward
The Mermaid GoddessDefeat Thessal the Mermaid Goddess in the Ocean Trench.
Ocean ManWith how vast the realm is, you’d think Oryx wouldn’t care for the high seas.

Tips and Strategies

  • Usbprns2.exe samsung clp 300. If you are soloing, be cautious around the Sea Mare, since getting caught by the paralyzing bullets it shoots can usually mean death or nexusing, since there is no one safe to teleport to.

  • There are always 11 rooms between the start room and the boss room, not counting either.

  • In most Trenches with a medium-large group of people, 2 or 3 players will rush the dungeon while the rest of the group stays at the start. Once the rushers reach Thessal, the group at the start will teleport to the rushers. Previously, If one missed the TP, have not maxed att/dex, or/and played on a low DPS class, it was very difficult to get soulbound damage on Thessal because she would often die in less than five seconds. However, as of Release X12, Thessal received HP scaling and the soulbound loot damage threshold was lowered to make it easier for more players to receive loot.

  • With the addition of the Oceanic Apparel ST robe as a drop from Fishman Warriors, there is now a greater incentive to clear the dungeon instead of simply waiting at the spawn room for rushers to reach the boss.


  • The Ocean Trench was released in Build 122 (Feb 2012).


  • The Dying Thessal sequence is a reference to the “Legend of Thessalonike“. The correct phrase used to be a fairly well-guarded secret among elite guilds in the game before becoming widespread knowledge.
  • Interestingly, the Ocean Trench used to be the only guaranteed drop of a dungeon from an Event Boss for many years. All Event Bosses now drop their associated dungeons at a guaranteed rate.

By Ashley Watson

At VetriScience® Laboratories, we take pride in our unique supplements and our use of pure and highly researched ingredients in products that are safe, effective, and developed by vets for vets. Our research on a few different signature ingredients has helped build our reputation as a leader in the animal health industry. One of these is our Glyco FLEX® line of supplements, all of which feature Perna canaliculus (GlycOmega™ brand) green-lipped mussel from New Zealand, as well as our flagship ingredient: N,N-Dimethylglycine (DMG). In fact, DMG is included in a large percentage of our products because of its comprehensive properties. Because we want to ensure that vets understand the full benefits of DMG, this week’s blog post will cover its history and function.

History of DMG

Interestingly, DMG supplement use began with horses. It was used to support performance and endurance in our equine companions for years, and then we realized what DMG had many other condition specific properties. Our parent company, FoodScience® Corporation, has received five U.S. patents due to our extensive research on this vital nutrient. Today, the manual of nutritional supplementation, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, recommends DMG for support of over 40 different health conditions.

Basic Facts About DMG

DMG is a naturally occurring amino acid derivative and a methyl donor that supports the body’s metabolic processes.

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As an immune system modulator, DMG supports circulation, oxygen utilization, brain health, liver health, cellular structure, cardiovascular health, as well as joint comfort and hydration.

DMG supports the production of hormones, antibodies, neurotransmitters, amino acids, and other essential substances in the body.

DMG does not suppress or excite the immune system. Instead, it is an immune modulator.

One of the most remarkable properties of DMG is that it can be used with other nutrients to create truly comprehensive formulas. We carry a wide variety of condition specific products that feature DMG. Products designed for liver support, immune support, and geriatric animal health are some of our most well-known DMG supplements.

Liver Health and Cognitive Function

Because DMG supports the production of a host of beneficial substances, including glutathione, it supports the liver in the detoxification process. That’s partly why it is included in Vetri Liver Canine, which supports Phase II detoxification, which removes unwanted substances from the body by converting them into water-soluble chemicals that can be easily excreted via bile and urine. Glutathione, cysteine, turmeric, and DMG found in Vetri Liver Canine work together to support the liver in this process. We also offer Vetri Liver Feline.

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In addition to liver health, healthy circulation is a huge piece of maintaining joint health and comfort throughout life. Healthy circulation and oxygen utilization also support neurological health, so that DMG has earned a reputation as a supporter of social skills, cognitive function, and balanced mood states.

Immune Health in Geriatric Animals

DMG is wildly versatile and unique, which is one of the main reasons we have included it in so many of our products. Aside from our joint health products, our immune support products and supplements for geriatric dogs and cats are some of our most sought after supplements. Vetri DMG™ is a formula to support immune system health and function in dogs and cats. This high potency formula is perfect for aging pets since DMG helps to strengthen the immune response when the body is confronted by foreign antigens, microorganisms, and stress, all of which have a larger impact on older dogs and cats.

If you are looking for overall support in senior dogs, Canine Plus™ Senior is a geriatric formulation with a complete foundation for senior dogs in a bite-sized chew. Canine Plus™ features DMG, CoQ10, EPA, DHA, L-taurine, L-glutamine, phosphatidylserine, alpha lipoic acid, grape seed extract, milk thistle extract, and bilberry extract to support cardiovascular, liver, cognitive, eye, joint, and digestive functions, as well as maintain the physical and mental well-being of senior dogs. Nu Cat™ Senior also features DMG, and it is specifically formulated for geriatric cats.

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If you have any questions about the many benefits and properties of our DMG supplements, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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