Mario Forever

  1. Mario Forever 4
  2. Mario Forever Roman Worlds Download
  3. Mario Forever 2

OK… First of all, what is Mario Forever?

Mario forever download

Mario Forever is a PC fan game based on one of the most popular Nintendo games, Super Mario Bros.The game has been developed by Softendo (Buziol Games until 2009). The game reproduces classic styles of Super Mario Bros., with slightly different graphics and musics from non-Mario games. The game has became popular, reaching the highest position in Platformer Games in CNET Downloads, receiving more than 10 millions downloads.

How my interests for Mario Forever born?

My heavy interests for Mario Forever started in mid-2007, when I’ve discovered Mario Worker1.1, a Super Mario level editor made by Buziol Games at the times. Later I’ve played Mario Forever, the primary game. In mid-2010 I’ve discovered the nearly lost Mario Worker 1.0 level editor, which had the same physics as Mario Forever, though it had less elements and preferences, but still a Mario Forever level editor like it had to be. In five years since my first play of Mario Forever I wanted to find the best way to create my own levels based on this marvelous fangame, but never ended up with something concrete, at least until early 2012, when I’ve discovered that one of the files included with the executable of Mario Worker 1.0 was actually the source of the level editor, probably a forget of the author, or maybe not…

Mario Forever is a remake of the classic Super Mario Bros game, which will make you busy for long hours, even if you haven't played Mario before! Mario Forever In this game, you will play the friendly plumber, make the journey with 8 different levels, overcome a variety of monsters and different obstacles and finally defeat a single that giant and cruel monster is Koopa dragon to rescue the beautiful Peach princess. Mario Forever Flash is a colorful platformer game placed in the Mario univers. Evil King Bowser Koopa captured Princess Toadstool once again and it is your, Mario, duty to beat him and save Princess once and for all. Mario, platformer, softendo, toadstool, koopa, bowser, jump,flash,forever. Mario Forever is one re lecture of the classic Nintendo game, Super Mario Bros 3 in which the main theme relates of a plumber that should rescue the princess of the 'claws' of Koopa, a malicious dragon that will try.

However, the file was compatible with Multimedia Fusion 1.5, so I could’ve opened it there, then I’ve shown worldwide that real custom Mario Forever levels were possible to make, though I had to establish the source as it was heavily glitched.

Since then, the Mario Forever community grew more and more, reaching what it is today.


Here you’ll find my primary Mario Forever custom projects, from a complete remake of Mario Forever with extra stuff added to even completely new games, like Mario Forever Revolution and Mario Forever Fanmade. You’ll find also my oldest and longeve (and still alive) series of worlds; the Letter Worlds Series.

Mario Forever Remake, as the name may imply, is just a complete remake of the famous Buziol Games’ Super Mario Bros. fan game “Mario Forever“, although its main elements differ it from the original are it contains more extra levels.

Mario Worker Remake is a complete revamp of the old Mario Worker 1.0 level editor made by Buziol Games in 2004.

Mario Worker Remake contains a bunch of new stuff, like objects, enemies, backgrounds, musics and even new preferences like autoscroll and editable background gradient color.

What these “Letter Worlds” are? Well, if you’re a Mario franchise fan, probably you know the “SMB: The Lost Levels” worlds A, B, C and D, which are playable after you defeated Bowser in World 8.

Mario Forever Revolution is a whole new game that will include a bunch of new stuff in the Mario Forever scene. This game won’t include just the main game with some extras, but it will include many different modes, from a “Story Mode” to a “Mission Mode”, other than updated graphics and codes.

Mario Forever: Hardcore Distopia is a new Mario Forever styled game and a kind of homage to Mario Forever: Advance Edition, but it contains 5 new worlds, with 4 levels each. Every world in this game must be considered as a Hardcore World.

Mario Forever Fanmade is a Mario Forever game developed graphicwise and codewise by me, but all the levels are originally by fans, hence the name of the game.

But… I want to play the ORIGINAL Mario Forever!

Don’t worry! Below here you can find almost, if not every, version of Mario Forever released by Buziol/Softendo throughout the years, until the latest version released in 2017. Changelogs can be found here.

Mario Forever 1.16.1:

Mario Forever 2.16:

Mario Forever 3.0:

Mario Forever 3.5:

Mario Forever 4.0:

Mario Forever 4.1:

Mario Forever 4.15:

Mario Forever 4.4:

Mario Forever 5.0:

Mario Forever 5.01:

Mario Forever 5.011:

Mario Forever 5.013:

Mario Forever 5.05:

Mario Forever 5.08:

Mario forever 2

Mario Forever 5.09:

Mario Forever 4

Mario Forever 6.0:

Mario Forever 6.01:

Mario Forever 7.01:

Mario Forever 7.02:

Super Mario 3 : Mario Forever is really a fantastic Mario remake created with Multimedia Fusion.

Once again you strap on your wrench and hardhat and guide the chubby plumber through many skilfully made levels. The diversity of the levels is very impressive. You will have to get through levels ranging from underwater caverns to levels filled with fiery lava.

I found the controls a little tricky to get into. The physics aren't exactly the same as in other Mario games, but you'll get used to it in no time at all.

This clone really re-creates all the magic from the original Mario games and I have to take my hat off to the Buziol Games team for such an excellent game.

Editors Comment:
It usually annoys me when another Super Mario game gets added to this already bloated section of the Acid-Play but to tell you the truth I’m really pleased this game was added. It simply glows with professionalism, this is one of the few Super Mario games that relies on more than just being a Super Mario clone.

This must go down as the number one Super Mario clone on Acid-Play.

This is a very addictive and fun game. My favorite world is Owaga's world. Owaga's world is actually a secret world.

How to get to the Owaga World:
When you first enter the game and you're at the main menu, go to play. DON'T GO IN ANY OF THE PIPES! Continue going right. (This hint can also be very helpful in the normal game, as of the fact that you can trade lives for items) Continue right. Notice that it won't actually let you go right. What you have to do then is jump on the two-block platform by the fire flower, hold down Z, and jump really far to the right. You will then find yourself in a secret area with a sign the says 'WARNING: OWAGA'. You can always use the stairs to the right to get back to the normal 'level select' area. Continue down the path until you find a dead-end with a pipe. Now, go down the pipe. When you go down the pipe, you will hear this weird 'WuZAAaaa' sound. This sound is made by some of the enemies in this world.

I have never actually beaten the Owaga world because of its intense level of difficulty! You try!

The diversity of music and background graphics is quite impressive. In the game you will go through grasslands, underground mines, rocklands, castles filled with lava, a world at night (world 3), underwater, etc. Each level consists of multiple image layers. There is also a great diversity of enemies, bonuses and other objects.

There are a range of puzzles and challenges to solve in the game such as a pipe maze (world 6-2), riding the lakitu through a treacherous sky gauntlet (world 5-2) and running through enemy saturated obstacle courses such as the Hardcore Worlds. Finally you get to fight Mario's nemeses Bowser (who has different abilities depending on the world you face him).

The main character, Mario, is relatively easy to control and see.

The game involves quite a lot of action and requires speed, agility, careful timing and a bit of good luck. Overall It comes with 50 levels including 8 standard, and bonus worlds like the Lost Map, Hardcore worlds, ...and many more.

Super Mario Forever is EXACTLY the same as any other Mario game, except for one difference, it is made by one fan. The gameplay is better than any other 2D Mario game I've ever played on my PC but the only thing I don't like about it is not being able to save your game at a certain point of the game. (But which Mario game lets you do that anyway?)

As usual, the point of the game is getting from one side of the level to the other and fighting a boss at the end of each world to proceed, the characters are the same but he's changed some of the characters names, like calling Bowser Kuppa King.

The story is that Bowser has been destroying villages with his Koopa army and it's up to you to stop them (sounds simple but isn't). I especially like the sounds on this game as they sound exactly the same as any official Mario game and the graphics beat any 2D Mario game.

So for this game I give two thumbs up and I recommend the game to any Mario fan.

I'm a super fan of Mario!

Super Mario Forever is EXACTLY the same as any other Mario game, except for one difference, it is made by one fan. The gameplay is better than any other 2D Mario game I've ever played on my PC but the only thing I don't like about it is not being able to save your game at a certain point of the game. (But which Mario game lets you do that anyway?)

As usual, the point of the game is getting from one side of the level to the other and fighting a boss at the end of each world to proceed, the characters are the same but he's changed some of the characters names, like calling Bowser Kuppa King.

The story is that Bowser has been destroying villages with his Koopa army and it's up to you to stop them (sounds simple but isn't). I especially like the sounds on this game as they sound exactly the same as any official Mario game and the graphics beat any 2D Mario game.

So for this game I give two thumbs up and I recommend the game to any Mario fan.

I'm a super fan of Mario!

Wow this is one of the best Mario Clone games I've ever played!

Down to the menus and music this game just shines and it's eye candy is also very good. The story is funny and... well, same as the original. The graphics are very good too. I see that it's that type of Supereagle style... but it works so well in this game.

Mario Forever Roman Worlds Download

Super mario forever

The music is awesome too. When you first start-up the game you are hit with an aweosme Mario Remix and the Map menu is also well done. It gives so much more depth to this game and makes you want to play more to find out about the other worlds.

The controls however are a bit... loose... but you grow used to it, and it's not really a problem for experienced players. I am just worried about the little kids. I am so happy I came across this game and I am definately keeping this and letting my friends download it! I know they will like it.

This game is so awesome! Now don't be fooled by the main review. This is not a remake of Super Mario 3. Rather, the levels are new but are wonderfully made, with many different environments.

Now, I've seen some good freeware Mario games, each with their own unique elements but this game beats them all! 3 powerups (1 more then the usual freeware Mario game) and a whole lot more levels as well! There's also a special secret world but you'll have to find it yourself.

Mario Forever 2

I don't want to give too much away. Now, the only complaint I have about this game is that it only saves when you complete a world and that you have to keep on pressing the jump button when you're on a spring to get the spring to work. Come on! All in all though, a great, new mario game. Well? What are you reading this for? Hurry up and download it already!

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