Megaman Battle Network 6 Starforce Patch

RockMan.exe Operate Shooting Star(MegaMan Battle Network: Operate Star Force) was a Japanese-only Nintendo DS game released in 2009, with a translation patch coming out 9 years later. It's essentially a port of the first MegaMan Battle Network game with extra features and content. Download the patch here. Here's a second patch to remove voice acting if you so prefer.
We never got this game ported over to the states due to low sales. These were going into the bargain bin two weeks after release. I heard a quoted figure of a mere 15,000 sales a while back. The reason for this can mainly be attributed to bad marketing. You see, the marketing conveyed that it would be a new experience, or at least a heavily revamped Battle Network 1. Because of super small budget and team size, we got neither. If you approach this game without too many expectations, it's fairly enjoyable if flawed.

There is more shenanigans in this match too, Model is a bro and beat that ass. It's all good though. Come on over to r/BattleNetwork on Reddit. To be worth it it would need to include an uncut BN6 and internet trades+netbattling for at least 5DS, 6 and all Star Force games (since those have netcode already made), 4.5 (the fan patch explicitly has a license that would allow Capcom to use it for such), 1DS.

There is more shenanigans in this match too, Model is a bro and beat that ass. It's all good though. Come on over to r/BattleNetwork on Reddit. Megaman Starforce is set several hundred years after the events of the Battle Network games and the internet has been superseded by new technology based on electromagnetic waves. However, the earth now faces a new threat from a mysterious alien race with the ability to fuse with humans and allow them to enter the wave world. Welcome to the Mega Man EXE Forever After Home Page! This wikia serves as the home page for EXE Forever After, an unofficial timeline project originally founded on September 1st, 2015, with the goal of bridging the 200-year gap between Mega Man Battle Network 6 and Mega Man Star Force.It is essentially an archive for the cancelled fangame project Mega Man Battle Network Legacy, maintained.

Me, Giver, being my usual self with GeneralYeti in bold.
Spoiler policy?
Since this is an enhanced port, I'll expect you to be familiar with Battle Network 1, as I'll be constantly referring to each change, big or small. Give EPM's old Battle Network 1 LP a read.
While not per se required, it's highly recommended you get familiar with the cast of MegaMan Star Force. Give BlitzBlast's LP a read. Yeti and I will do our best to get you up to speed.
The translators are people who I regularly talk with. As such, I will say 'the translators' when referring to them and 'the developers' when referring to the Japanese team. The translator did make some QoL alignments in an effort to make it consistent across the series.
Hybrid. Screenshots for the game, videos for the bosses. That said, sometimes certain programs can be annoying for uploading videos.
The meat and potatoes of this game, containing a comprehensive overview of the game's content. Story, as well as general game completion are updated here.
Update #1: The Boys Are Back
Update #2: The Same But Different
Update #3: Our Puns Are Just Straight Fire
Update #4: 01101000 01110101 01101000
Update #5: Giver Is A Hammer Bro
Update #6: Giver's Playground
Update #6-1: Prof Explains The Mystery Data Bug..In Great Detail
Update #7: Mean Green
Update #8: World 3 Water U Doing
Update #9: Giver is a Meanie Poopiehead
Update #10: Art Lessons
Update #11: Handyman
Update #12: MissEchelon's Opinion of This Update Shall Be Binary; Love It Or Hate It
Update #13: Fire the Interns
Update #14: The GeoXLuna Fans Are On Suicide Watch
Update #15: Ya wanna backtrack some more huh?
Update #16: Just
Update #17: Yeti's throwing S-hade ranks.

Megaman Battle Network 6 Starforce Patch Release

Update #18: Deja vu
Update #19: Chump'd
Update #20: Drawing This Out. You Shall Hate Me.
Update #21: Bass Fishing
Update #22: It's The End..But I Feel new Life
S-ranking Navi Section
-The section of the LP that details overall strategies in defeating bosses in 30 seconds or less for some of the most powerful attacks in the game. Given, however, that this is Battle Network 1..well.
Update #1: Intro and Overview
Update #2: WWW Story Bosses
Update #3: Friendly Bosses
Update #4: They Called Me a Robot in the Thread; They Asked For This
Update #5: ClockMan and the PostGame Navis
Update #6: Basstard
-Ancillary content such as the Humor Program text and the Star Coliseum minigame. Check here for the Chip Encyclopedia as well.
Update #1: yopyop Is God TierMegaman Battle Network 6 Starforce Patch
Update #2: (Don't!) Fuck This St-
Update #3: Press LClick The Screen To Die
Update #4: Volume 1: Standard Chip ID: #001 - #091
Update #5: Volume 2: Standard Chip ID: #092 - #181
Update #6: Volume 3: Program Advance ID: #001 -- #038Battle

Chapter 1

'The Beginning'

20XX, ACDC Town, Electopia-

A 14 year old kid is sleeping-

A ringing noise is heard across his room-

?: Wake up, Patch! You're gonna be late for class!.. Again..

Patch: grmrgflg.. 5 More minutes..

Megaman battle network 6 tips


Patch: WHAT?!.. Very smart, X..

X: At least you're up. Come on, let's go to school!

They go to school, late by 5 minutes-

Patch: Told you we wouldn't be too late!

X: You are so stupid. Come on. Get to 5-A. Virus Busting is going on without us.

Patch: Yes, I heard you the first 15 times!

They arrive to their class-

The teacher doesn't seem to notice they are late-

Patch: I am so thankful that my seat is in the back row.

X: Let's hope Ms. Mari's navi is as oblivious as her user..

Patch: Yeah.. Jack in, X!

X: Keep it down!

Patch: execute..

X was jacked into the school's network-

Ms Mari's Navi: So, now that we have covered the basics, let's get to the practice! I am going to Jarelease low-level viruses! Who wants to start off?

X: I do! Tradeguider 4 eod download.

Ms Mari's Navi: X? Strange, I don't remember seeing you during-

X: I was having an Invis. Glitch.

Ms Mari's Navi: Oh. Well, are your ready?

X: I'm always ready!

Suddenly, a strange, Skeleton-like Navi with a red Pirate Coat, hat, and a hook for a left hand appeared-

?: Yarr! All you scrubs gon' jack out or get plundered, I say!

X: What if I take a third option?

?: There's not third option with Pirateman, scrub! Yarr!

Patch: You barge into our school and you think you'll get away with it? Heck no! Battle Routine, Set!

X: Execute!

The battle arena was set-

Pirateman: Yarr! Whut's a pirate that ain't fight dirty, eh? Attack, me Mates!

Strange virus that looked like Pirates appeared in X's zone's Back Row-

X: Why do I feel like that was a bad idea?

Patch: Don't sweat it! Battle Chip, Cannon A! Attack+ *! Slot in!

X: (Shoots the Cannon, it hits Pirateman) Alright!

Pirateman: Yarr! You gon' taste me Hook! (Suddenly, his hook detaches itself from his hand and its X)

X: Ouch..

Patch: Wow, 30 Damage in one attack? He's not joking! Let's whip out our A-Game! Mega-Chip, R-Arrow R! Slot in! (thinks: R-Arrow is a chip that deals damage and regenerates X's HP by that amount! Let's see how he likes that!)

X: (Shoots) Dodging is no use! It's got auto-aim!

Pirateman: (Gets it by the Arrow) Arr! Whut are me Mates waiting for?!.. (Sees the 'Mates' are gone) WHERE ARE ME MATES?!

Megaman Battle Network 6 Starforce Patch System

?: They've been dealt with.

Suddenly, a navi in Red Armor, long hair, and a green sword for an arm appears!

X: Took you long enough!.. Have we met before?

?: My name is Zero, and no, we haven't. As for you, Pirateman..

Pirateman: Arr! So Close.. (Jacks out)

X: Okay, that's done. Who the heck are you, though?

Zero: I'm an Official Battler's Net navi. So what?.. (Sees X's Navi Mark) Y- You.. What's your NetOp's name?

X: His name's Patch Hikari. He's an idiot.

Zero: Hikari, you say? Then you're related to Megaman, aren't you?

X: How'd you know him?

Zero: We fought, 20 years ago.

X: Wait, you mean Navis have that long of a life-span?

Zero: … I've already told you more than you need to know. Get going! (Jacks out)

Patch: We should ask Dad about this guy..

Meanwhile, in the Undernet-

?: So, you're saying that a Blue Navi stood up to you, and that this darned official Navi followed you all the way? Dorumu netbook drivers for mac.

Pirateman: Yarr, Cap'n Serpent.

Serpent: Intriguing.. Fakeman, I want you to collect information about that 'X'.

Fakeman: As you wish, master.

Mysterious NetOp: Zero.. That is a name I haven't heard in quite the number of years, isn't it?

Megaman Battle Network 6 Starforce Patch Download

Next Chapter: 'Masquerade'

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