Pdf Rubiks Cube Solution

The cube has six sides:.Front (F).Back (B),.Left(L).Right (R),.Down (D).Up (U) U L F R D B. Clockwise: U, R, F, B, L, D. Counter-clockwise: U', R', F', B', L', D'. Double-turn: U2, R2, F2, B2, L2, D2 Daisy & Cross Place four white edges around the yellow center. First Layer Corners Select white corners in the top layer. Make sure the cube matches the diagram every time before you apply a sequence of moves. F U R U' R' F' F U R U' R' F' Last Layer Corner Orientation Count the number of corners with yellow facing up. Right Sune: (R U R') U (R U2 R') Not 1 Exactly 1 Last Layer Corner Permutation Align two corners. Niklas + Right Sune: (L' U R U' L U R') (R U R.

Book by Patrick Bossert - 1981

  • Each method is used to solve a standard 3x3 Rubik’s cube to determine which algorithm would take the least number of moves within the least period of time. To understand the algorithms, the Rubik’s cube is notated based on side, turns and cube rotation, to allow for simplified equations.
  • Beginner Solution to the Rubik's Cube Now, position the blue/red edge piece so that the colour on the side of the cube (blue in this case) lines up with it's centre. Now perform the following algorithm: D L D' L' D' F' D F If the blue/red edge piece was flipped the other way so that the blue was on the bottom rather than the red, you would.

The You Can Do The Cube book was among the first Rubik's Cube solution guides and sold more than 1.5 million copies so there's a chance that your parents or grandparents learned the method from this book in the '80s.

Soon after the Rubik's Cube became notorious and an unsolvable mystery worldwide, in 1981 a schoolboy came up with his own solution and published a small booklet unveiling the secret. The concept that the guide was written by a 13 year old boy proved to be an efficient marketing idea, suggesting that everybody can learn it.

How it all started

Patrick Bossert was born in 1968 in the United Kingdom and he has always been interested in solving puzzles and later he made a proper career out of this hobby.

At the age of 12 he went on a skiing holiday to Switzerland but he broke his hand so he had to rest for two weeks in the chalet. At that time the cube has just hit the market in Switzerland and his cousin Joachim to whom he dedicated the book bought him one to keep him entertained. Patrick not having other option spent the next two weeks with resting and trying to figure out the solution of the Rubik's Cube.

When he went back to school the cube had just arrived in the UK and he was one of the first kids who were able to solve it. Patrick used to sell the copies of his tutorial for 30 pennies on a two-sided paper which soon became a very profitable business. Later he extended the market to other schools and this is how it all started.

When they published the You Can Do the Cube book Patrick has got a minder to manage the media and he was taken to a media tour with live TV broadcasts. This was a great adventure for him as a 12 year old kid.

Patrick explaining his tutorial to other kids in a TV show

The contents of the book

The booklet not only contains the solution guide but after the short introduction it presents the interior structure of the cube and how it works. It gives advice on how to take apart the Rubik's Cube, how to lubricate it and how to adjust the tension of the pieces.

It presents the rotation symbols, important handling rules and after presenting the solution method it mentions other patterns as well.

The solution applied

Pdf Rubiks Cube Solution

The described method might seem to be weird for a those who already know the advanced CFOP solution or any other cube solving methods but we have to keep in mind that this was among the first techniques almost 40 years ago. It's still interesting to see where the evolution started in the '80s and it can help us better understand the cube.

Other solution methods usually follow a layer-by-layer process but in this case the order of the steps is different. It's starting with the corners of the first side, then completes the rest of the face, solving the edges. After this it solves the remaining 4 corners. Next it moves all the remaining 8 edges to the correct positions and finishes the cube by orienting these.

The presentation of each stage starts with a brief overview of the possible cases then it lists them one by one in more detail presenting the moves required. The book teaches 34 (5 + 7 + 4 + 12 + 6) move sequences to complete the solution.

Interesting facts

1) No colors

However the colors are crucial for the Rubik's Cube, this book is not colored. It's using textures to distinguish the pieces on the illustrations. This was a good way of keeping the budget down and make it available for the masses.
The picture below demonstrates the CrossesRubik's Cube patternfrom the book.

2) Symbols and tricks

The solution guide didn't use letters to mark the rotations of the Rubik's Cube as we do today and doesn't use the term 'algorithm'. It calls the move sequences 'tricks' and it's using 'symbols' do describe rotations on the puzzle.

3) Mega trick

One of the algorithms contains 23 rotations which seems to be a lot today, knowing that it has been proven that any possible Rubik's scramble can be entirely solved in 20 steps or less. The presented long 'trick' swaps two corners when when we have a face completed.

Buy this book from Amazon, available both for ebook readers and used paperback for about 5$. Salsa and afro cuban montunos for piano pdf lessons.


There are many approaches on how to solve the Rubik's Cube. All these methods have different levels of difficulties, for speedcubers or beginners, even for solving the cube blindfolded. People usually get stuck solving the cube after completing the first face, after that they need some help. In the following article I'm going to show you the easiest way to solve the cube using the beginner's method.

The method presented here divides the cube into layers and you can solve each layer applying a given algorithm not messing up the pieces already in place. You can find a separate page for each one of the seven stages if the description on this page needs further explanation and examples.

  • 1. White cross
  • 2. White corners
  • 3. Second layer
  • 4. Yellow cross
  • 5. Yellow edges
  • 6. Yellow corners
  • 7. Orient yellow corners
  • Video tutorial


Watch the cube being solved layer-by-layer with this method:
It fixes the white edges, corners then flips the cube to solve the second layer and finally completes the yellow face.
Press the Play button to start the animation

Video Tutorial

To get started I recommend you to read the basic cubing terminology and you will need to know the Rubik's Cube notation ie what the letters mean in the algorithms:
F: front, R: right, U: up, L: left, D: down.

Clockwise rotations: F R U L D
Counterclockwise rotations are marked with an apostrophe ('): F' R' U' L' D'
Pdf Rubiks Cube Solution

If you get stuck or you don't understand something, the online Rubik's Cube solver program will help you quickly fix your puzzle. All you have to do is input your scramble and the program will calculate the steps leading to the solution.

To keep a record of your solution times try the online Rubik's Cube Timer with many useful features or generate random shuffles for your practice with the scramble generator.

Video Tutorial

The Solution Step By Step

1. White cross

Pdf Rubik's Cube Solve

Let's begin with the white face. First we have to make a white cross paying attention to the color of the side center pieces. You can try to do this without reading the instructions.

Use this stage to familiarize yourself with the puzzle and see how far you can get without help. This step is relatively intuitive because there are no solved pieces to watch out for. Just practice and don't give up easily. Try move the white edges to their places not messing up the ones already fixed.

You can get a little help about forming a white cross, with animated algorithms here.


Sides not matching

2. White corners

In this step we have to arrange the white corner pieces to finish the first face. If you are very persistent and you managed to do the white cross without help then you can try to do this one as well. If you don't have patience I'll give you some clue.

Twist the bottom layer so that one of the white corners is directly under the spot where it's supposed to go on the top layer. Now, do one of the three algorithms according to the orientation of the piece, aka. in which direction the white sticker is facing. If the white corner piece is where it belongs but turned wrong then first you have to pop it out.

Find more details about the solution of the white corners here.

White face solved
Pdf rubik

3. Second layer

Until this point the procedure was pretty straight forward but from now on we have to use algorithms. We can forget the completed white face so let's turn the cube upside down to focus on the unsolved side.

In this step we are completing the first two layers (F2L). There are two symmetric algorithms we have to use in this step. They're called the Right and Left algorithms. These algorithms insert the Up-Front edge piece from the top layer to the middle layer while not messing up the solved white face.
If none of the pieces in the top layer are already lined up like in the images below, then turn the top layer until one of the edge pieces in the top layer matches one of the images below. Then follow the matching algorithm for that orientation.

U' L' U L U F U' F'
U R U' R' U' F' U F

Wrong orientation: Do it twice

If an edge piece is on its place in the second layer orienting wrong then we have to apply the algorithm twice. First we must pop it out inserting another one in its place.

Zee5 premium account cookies. See these F2L algorithms in action following this link.

4. Yellow cross

Yellow cross on the top
How to solve a rubik

Sart solving the last layer making a yellow cross on the top of the cube. It doesn't matter if the pieces are not on their final places so we don't have to pay attention to the colors of the sides.

We can get three possible patterns on the top. Use this algorithm to go from one state to the other:
F R U R' U' F'

  1. When you see a dot you have to apply the algorithm three times. If you have a yellow 'L' shape then onlye twice, holding the cube in your hands as seen on the image below.
  2. In case of a horizontal line you just have to execute the permutation once.

For further explanation about forming a yellow cross on the Rubik's Cube click here.

5. Yellow edges

After making the yellow cross on the top of the cube you have to put the yellow edge pieces on their final places to match the colors of the side center pieces. Switch the front and left yellow edges with the following algorithm:

R U R' U R U2 R' U

Yellow edges done

You might face a situation when you have to apply this algorithm more than once.

6. Yellow corners on their places

Only the last layer corners are left unsolved. First we have to get them to the right spot, so don't worry about the orientation in this step.

Find a piece which is already on the right place, move it to the right-front-top corner then apply the following algorithm to switch (cycle) the three wrong pieces marked on the image.

Rubik's Cube Manual Pdf

U R U' L' U R' U' L

Do this twice to do an inverse rotation of the pieces. If none of the yellow corners is on the right place then execute the algorithm once to get a good piece.

Read more about the permutation of last layer yellow corners here.

7. Orient Yellow Corners

Rubik's Cube Solution Pdf In Telugu

All pieces are on their right places you just have to orient the yellow corners to finish the puzzle. This proved to be the most confusing step so read the instructions and follow the steps carefully.

The corners are on their final position
but they need to be oriented

Hold the cube in your hand with an unsolved corner on the front-right-top corner, then do the algorithm below twice or four times until that specific piece is oriented well:

R' D' R D

It will look like you've messed up the whole cube but don't worry, it will be all right when all the corner pieces are oriented.

5x5 Rubik's Cube Solution Pdf

Turn the top layer only to move another unsolved yellow piece to the front-right-top corner of the cube and do the same R' D' R D again until this specific piece is ok. Be careful not to move the two bottom layers between the algorithms and never rotate the whole cube!

You are so close to the end so be careful because this is the step in this tutorial where most people get lost. If this description doesn't make sense, check out a few examples clicking here.

Repeat this until your Cube is solved :)

Pdf Rubik's Cube Solution

Is this tutorial too complicated for you? Here's what you can do:

Read another guide at Rubik's Cube Tutorial or at CubeSolve.com.
Use the Online Rubik's Cube Solver, insert your scramble and the program will calculate the solution for you.

Rubik's Cube Algorithm Sheet

Steps of the Beginner's Rubik's Cube Solution:

3x3 Rubik's Cube Algorithm Sheet


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